If my life

thoughts on words
3 min readMar 3, 2022

I have watched hundreds of film and series in my life. That is why I think my life is not that interesting since I found that those films and series are more exciting than my real life is. I often feel that I was only an extra character of someone else’s life and I start wondering what if my life turns to be a series or a documentary that people watch? What would it be like to be the main character?


When I looked back to my history, apparently my life was pretty interesting for a drama genre. Yet, my current life is quite a bit boring. I will go to a slice of life genre. I think it could be interesting to tell about my family background, although in this story my role in family history is not so significant, but there is some value to put my family background in the narrative.


The plot will be quite slow, I guess. Nothing much exciting in my daily activities and I currently do not have such a fun routine too. 100% most people might fall asleep while watching my life. Anyhow, the point of view will be full by me. So, bear with my life.


I want to put some old brit rock vibes for my life, but I guess it doesn’t suit much since ballad sounds better to describe my life. Although I fancy rock musics, I think it could be the background when I listen to those songs. For the official OSTs, I think most of them will sound ballad sad. The lyrics of the songs would be deep and poetics like Taylor Swift’s and Kdrama OSTs.


In a slice of life drama, all aspects of life will be portrayed. I think what makes my life colourful is only love and friendships. The story of my life will focus more on my relationships with people who cross path with me in my life. Honestly speaking, I want my story to be motivational and inspiring, but I guess it does not work in my life.. I found myself struggling and easily demotivated in the context of academic and career. It is not so good to be presented. Yet, it could be intriguing for certain people since they would relate to how basic myself is.

In my life, my love story would be described as a romantic comedy with tragic endings. The narrative would say that I am the girl who lost my confidence since I always got dumped by all my ex-boyfriends. That is why I will talk more about loneliness. How lonely I have been and I will tell that cats are my saviour in my life. The peak comedy of the storyline would be a story of my life with my friends, I am always happy with them and there would be lots of chaotic scenes with my friends later.

My life has probably the same vibes with the other boring dramas, but I got lots of quotes for the love story though. That’s how much I value love in my life, although I’m not so lucky in my love life, but I target the lonely people for my audience. I want people to see how boring and lonely my current life is. The pathetic scene would be where I reminisce my old self and life in the early 20s, how I realise I don’t turn to be the self I wanted to be. How can be the idealist dreamer turned to be a bitter realist with a little hope inside.

The story would also tell about how I pursue my old dream again and there are lots of thing made me feel worthless that hold me back. To be exact, it would be about the challenges of my self-esteem. How I don’t have someone to rely on and cheer me up, how I feel I don’t have someone who supports me emotionally.

The story would be closed with an open-end ending, my life is still on-going though. The possibility to continue to next season is only 0.1% since I don’t think there will be a demand for that.

All in all, if my life is a series, I think it would be the most hated series ever.

